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#Android | March 7, 2025

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Deal: Grab ‘Transformers’ and ‘Ghost Stories’ Free Today

March 5, 2015 |

Google has always been good about providing users with excellent free content, even though that can seemingly go against the mantra of being a business. With their limited-time promotion going on the Play Store, you’d think that’d be all the deals we’d see from Google at the moment. You’d be wrong.

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Deal: Google Puts 33 Items on Sale for the Play Store’s 3rd Birthday

March 2, 2015 |

A short 3 years ago, Google Play was born and with it came the Play Store: a place to easily access apps, music, videos and much more for your Android device. To celebrate its 3rd birthday, the Google Play team has discounted a variety of 33 apps, books, music and more for a limited time.

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Google Increases Music Storage Limit on Google Play to 50,000 Songs

February 25, 2015 |

If for some insane reason you’ve already maxed out your 20,000 song limit on Google Play, we’ve got some good news: Google has increased the music storage limit to 50,000 songs! By more than doubling the free song storage capacity, Google has ensured the majority of music lovers out there that they will have a place to store all the songs they will probably never listen to. For the true music aficionados out there, this should allow you to add an N-Z section to your alphabetized digital collection.

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Google Releases a Cute and Educational App: YouTube Kids

February 23, 2015 |

Today Google has added a new app to its rather immense catalog: Youtube Kids. This app is a filtered variant of their ever-popular YouTube app and only features videos that parents would find appropriate for their kids. With YouTube Kids you can hand your device over to your kids without much need to worry.

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Social Awareness: Where to find #Android

February 4, 2015 |

It’s still the beginning of the year for us and we want to start the revamping of this site off right, so we’ve decided to bookmark all of our links in one post so you can find #Android and its members easily.

We’ll try to keep the list updated with any new social outlets we adopt, as well as any new members we pick up along the way. This way no matter your outlet, you’ll be able to get some #Android in your life!
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Would you use Google’s MVNO Service if it Were Ad-Supported?

January 26, 2015 |

As I watching one of my favorite podcasts the other day, they began discussing news of Google’s MVNO (aka. Nova) surfacing and it got me thinking about how bad I would want to use Nova (have I told you that I am a Google enthusiast and that they could never do wrong by me?).

The guys in the podcast were throwing around ideas about how Google would run Nova: whether they would try to have unlimited data plans like Sprint or if they would use limited data plans but exclude certain services (such as Play Services) from counting towards your data allotment.

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What a Day: Google I/O Sells out in Under an Hour, Andy Rubin Leaves Android, and Google Reader Receives a Pink Slip

March 13, 2013 |

Boy, oh boy, what a day. Today’s craziness all started at 7 a.m. PDT, when registration opened for Google I/O 2013. It was the usual Google clusterf****, with multiple issues ranging from error messages to Google Wallet disasters. It took about 55 minutes for the tickets to sell out, leaving those with Google Wallet issues, bank denials, and just plain infinitely spinning circles, furious. I can’t say I don’t blame them, as most of them certainly got hosed. Read More

Google I/0 Page Features Immense Interactive Fun

March 6, 2013 |

Google is well known for their interactive Easter Eggs. They’ve been hidden in everything from searches to “About” screens, and keeping with the fun tradition of hunting for Easter Eggs, they’ve hidden a plethora of them in the new Google I/O page. Read More

Official Nexus 7 Dock Finally Availble in the Play Store

March 6, 2013 |

“Better late than never” they always say. If you’ve been holding off on ordering an official dock for your Nexus 7 in hopes it would eventually show up on the Play store, then today is your lucky day. If you head over to the Play store, you’ll find the dock is in stock and ready to be shipped — “soon.” Read More