Social Awareness: Where to find #Android | #Android
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Social Awareness: Where to find #Android

| On 04, Feb 2015

Social Awareness: Where to find #Android

It’s still the beginning of the year for us and we want to start the revamping of this site off right, so we’ve decided to bookmark all of our links in one post so you can find #Android and its members easily.

We’ll try to keep the list updated with any new social outlets we adopt, as well as any new members we pick up along the way. This way no matter your outlet, you’ll be able to get some #Android in your life!


#Android – Our day in 140 characters
Vincent Messina – Someone doesn’t use his Twitter….
Keyan X – NSFW. Like, at all.


#Android – All our posts are here, as well as discussions and other items.
Vincent Messina – Pictures and gifs, so many pictures and gifs.
Keyan X – Posts about tech, youtube, and randomness.


#Android – Nothing there yet, but we’ll get that sorted quickly.
Keyan X – What did he buy now?


#Android – For our friends over on facebook, FB Lite, and Paper


#Android – Former home of ‘The Android Show’, future home of…

Keyan X – Unboxings and Hands-On of the latest and greatest


#Android – News, videos, wallpapers, and other pins galore!