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#Android | March 7, 2025

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Find the Songs You’ve Searched for When Using Google’s Sound Search

June 16, 2015 |

If you’ve ever searched for music using Google’s Sound Search widget then you know just how easy it is to find out what song is playing on the radio or in the store. Google has made it extremely easy for its customers to discover new music on the go. All you do is download the widget and then place it on one of your device’s screens. Once you hear a song that you would like Google to identify you simply touch the widget and it’ll start searching for the song. You can also use the Google Now search box to search for a song, as well. Once Google notices that there is music playing in the background a little music sign will show up. When you tap that icon Google will get to work on finding out what song you’re listening to. Read More

Google has Released an I/O Highlight’s Video That’s Shorter Than the Event’s Intro

June 11, 2015 |

Two weeks ago Google hosted one of their biggest events of the year, I/O, in which they unveil what they have been working on in the past year and give the community and developers a chance to play with new tools and get a chance to see the direction in which Google is going.

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Google Might Introduce an Internet of Things Based Software at I/O

May 21, 2015 |

We connect to the internet in so many different ways by using our computers, cell phones, tablets and now even our cars. With this new age of technology it’s no shocker that our houses would start to connect to the internet to provide us with an easier lifestyle, as well. Home Automation has been around for a little while now. Things like Nest, Philip’s Hue light bulbs and even smart mattress covers have transformed the way that we live our lives by making things automatic.

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Google and Skrillex Launch Cases to Show Fans our Planet

May 20, 2015 |

If you’re a fan of space or electronic music and you’re looking for a new case for your phone, then check this out. Google and Skrillex are teaming up to bring some pretty cool science to your phone. Today Google announced that Skrillex has launched a satellite named Nanou into the stratosphere. Nanou has been tasked with taking photos of the Earth from high in the sky. Not only are Google and Skrillex letting you take a look at those pictures, but they’re also bringing them to your smartphone in the form of live wallpaper.

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Google Announces Chromecast Support for CBS All Access, HGTV, Fox Now and More

May 14, 2015 |

Chromecast has been a great tool for those looking to cut the cord and binge watch on the big screen. Chromecast lets consumers view media on their TV without needing to physically connect their device. Announced in 2013, the $35 dongle has allowed for tons of fun in the living room by constantly adding new partners and support. Now that Google’s Chromecast has been around for a while we’ve started seeing tons of companies update their apps to allow for casting from a mobile device to the TV. Read More

Collections Brings Grouping Posts by Topic to Google+

May 5, 2015 |

Google+ has been overdue for a new feature and Google has definitely satisfied that today by announcing and releasing “Collections.” Collections is a way to group your posts by their topic. For example, you could create a Collection that is comic book based and fill it up with a bunch of neat comic news. Users of Google+ can also follow Collections about things that they’re interested in. Read More

Google Releases 3 New Apps In the Play Store: Chrome Dev, Project Fi, and Connectivity Services

April 30, 2015 |

Yesterday during Google’s community-coined #UpdateWednesday, the tech giant not only update several apps (such as Googel+, Messenger, and Chrome Beta) but they also decided to release a few more apps under their portfolio: Chrome Dev, Project FI, and Connectivity Services. All of which you can go to the Play Store and download now.

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Google Adds 70 new Partners to the Google App, now Including RunKeeper and Spotify

April 29, 2015 |

The Google app has become so much more than a way to search for information. It has become a virtual personal assistant. Google Now can show you what time it is at home, your flight information and even if there’s traffic on your normal route to the office. Read More

Google Opens Online Hardware Store, While Putting the Nexus 5 on the Chopping Block

March 13, 2015 |

It’s been a pretty eventful week for Android users as a new version of Android was released for us to dig through and check out. However, Google didn’t stop with just a software update, they also went ahead and extracted all hardware devices from the Play Store and relocated them to a more proper place, the Google Store.

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