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#Android | July 27, 2024

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#Android’s Daily Wallpaper: I’d Tag That!

February 26, 2013 |

Anyone who has followed me across the Android blogosphere knows I love wallpapers. I’ve done both weekly and daily wallpaper features, and now that I’m with Hashtag Android, I’m going to continue with the daily format. If you’re a connoisseur of wallpapers or simply enjoy change once in a while, you’ll definitely want to stop by daily to see what wallpaper #Android has to share. Read More

T-Mobile now Offering the Nexus 4 for Free Until Sunday February 24 [Deal Alert]

February 22, 2013 |

It was only eleven days ago that T-Mobile dropped the price of the Nexus 4 to an incredible $50, and now, they’ve gone ahead and started offering it for free to anyone willing to sign a two-year contract. Read More

Registration for Google I/O 2013 Opens March 13th

February 22, 2013 |

Every year, Android fanatics the world over anxiously look forward to Google I/O. This cornucopia of Android greatness never fails to impress and always sells out in record time. This year will be no different and since we now have an official registration date, it’s time to start preparing. Read More

Chromebook Pixel: What Happens When Google Smokes too Much Crystal Meth

February 21, 2013 |

Our love for Google goes without saying, and while their collective genius precedes them, sometimes they go ahead and do something that makes us wonder: “what the hell are they smoking?!” It’s true, for every Nexus 7 moment, there’s a Nexus Q failure hiding in the shadows. Read More

Google Doodles add a bit of Visual Variety to Google Now

February 15, 2013 |

After going over some of the new features in Google Now, one visual change has those of us outside of major metro areas quite happy. That change? Google Doodles! Now, instead of the generic Google Now background image, we’re treated to the same featured Google Doodle of the day as you see on the web. Read More

Google now Pointing Consumers to T-Mobile Locations Where They can Overpay for a Nexus 4

February 14, 2013 |

Do you enjoy overpaying for your devices? Well then you’re in luck! Google will shamelessly help you get ripped off by hunting down the nearest T-Mobile retailer where you can go pay $549.99 for the same Nexus 4 you can get on the Play store for $349. Read More

Google Search Update Brings Google Now Widget, New Cards, and More

February 13, 2013 |

We knew it was coming, and like I predicted, it took less than a week for an update to bring us the new Google Now widget. Lucky for us, that’s not the only addition made in the latest update to the Google Search app. Read More

The Internship Movie Trailer to Debut During Live Google+ Hangout With Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson

February 13, 2013 |

Okay, this really isn’t Android news, but it’s still worth a look. If you haven’t heard, there’s a movie starring Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson in which the dynamic duo find themselves playing the part of two Google interns. The movie, which is aptly named The Internship, aims to bring us a closer look into life at the Googleplex, and of course, some classic Vaughn/Owen comedy. Read More

Motorola X to be Next Nexus Device?

February 13, 2013 |

The land down under has just provided enough rumor fodder to keep us bloggers going for the next few months. According to Australian technology site Smarthouse, the elusive Motorola X will not only be a device that features “software never seen before in a smartphone,” but is also scheduled to be unveiled during Google I/O in May.

Say what?! Read More