Registration for Google I/O 2013 Opens March 13th | #Android
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Registration for Google I/O 2013 Opens March 13th

| On 22, Feb 2013

Registration for Google I/O 2013 Opens March 13th

Every year, Android fanatics the world over anxiously look forward to Google I/O. This cornucopia of Android greatness never fails to impress and always sells out in record time. This year will be no different and since we now have an official registration date, it’s time to start preparing.

Google has set the registration date for Wednesday March 13th. You’ll want to make sure you have yourself a Google+ account and a Google Wallet buyer account or you won’t be able to register. You’ll also want to make sure you’re up bright and early as registration will open at 7:00 AM PDT (GMT-7).

Ticket prices for Google I/O have remained the same with General Attendee tickets costing $900 and Academic Attendee tickets costing $300 (start making room on those credit cards).

We’re guessing tickets will sell out in under 15 minutes this year, so don’t oversleep or you’ll surely end up being a victim of Ebay extortion.

For more information on registering for Google I/O 2013, be sure to follow the source links below.

Source: Google, Google+