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google i/o

Google has Released an I/O Highlight’s Video That’s Shorter Than the Event’s Intro

June 11, 2015 |

Two weeks ago Google hosted one of their biggest events of the year, I/O, in which they unveil what they have been working on in the past year and give the community and developers a chance to play with new tools and get a chance to see the direction in which Google is going.

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Watch Google I/O ‘15 Live Here!

May 28, 2015 |

In the next half hour we will be watching Google’s biggest event of the year live from San Francisco. Hopefully today we’ll hear about Android M, Android Pay, new Wear devices, and more and more new technologies. The event kicks off with a 2-hour long general keynote, where we’ll get the bulk of our information.

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Google I/O 2015 app Updated in Beta with Full Material Design

May 12, 2015 |

Every year at about a month before one of Google’s biggest events, I/O, happens we see a update and redesign of the app used to follow all the news. Last year we were treated to the (yet-to-be-named) half-material app, and this year the app has finally been fully updated to embrace material to the fullest. What other changes await us inside?

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Google I/O Set for May 28-29th; Have Your Money Ready March 17th

February 10, 2015 |

Google’s developer conference, a.k.a Google I/O, is an annual event where the company holds sessions to talk about new products, services, and where they are putting their focus at for the year. It’s also where we’re usually introduced to the newest version of Android or some great offshoot product that will be ready in the months to come.

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What a Day: Google I/O Sells out in Under an Hour, Andy Rubin Leaves Android, and Google Reader Receives a Pink Slip

March 13, 2013 |

Boy, oh boy, what a day. Today’s craziness all started at 7 a.m. PDT, when registration opened for Google I/O 2013. It was the usual Google clusterf****, with multiple issues ranging from error messages to Google Wallet disasters. It took about 55 minutes for the tickets to sell out, leaving those with Google Wallet issues, bank denials, and just plain infinitely spinning circles, furious. I can’t say I don’t blame them, as most of them certainly got hosed. Read More

Google I/0 Page Features Immense Interactive Fun

March 6, 2013 |

Google is well known for their interactive Easter Eggs. They’ve been hidden in everything from searches to “About” screens, and keeping with the fun tradition of hunting for Easter Eggs, they’ve hidden a plethora of them in the new Google I/O page. Read More

Registration for Google I/O 2013 Opens March 13th

February 22, 2013 |

Every year, Android fanatics the world over anxiously look forward to Google I/O. This cornucopia of Android greatness never fails to impress and always sells out in record time. This year will be no different and since we now have an official registration date, it’s time to start preparing. Read More