Google I/O Set for May 28-29th; Have Your Money Ready March 17th | #Android
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Google I/O Set for May 28-29th; Have Your Money Ready March 17th

| On 10, Feb 2015

Google I/O Set for May 28-29th; Have Your Money Ready March 17th

Google’s developer conference, a.k.a Google I/O, is an annual event where the company holds sessions to talk about new products, services, and where they are putting their focus at for the year. It’s also where we’re usually introduced to the newest version of Android or some great offshoot product that will be ready in the months to come.

Thanks to Sundar Pichai, we now have this year’s event dates as well as a functioning event site ready to be bookmarked by all. The site is covered in gorgeous material design colors and animations, and you’ll probably end up wasting a few hours just looking around — especially once you discover their latest chrome experiment.

According to the event page, Google I/O 2015 will be held May 28th and 29th, with registration for attendees beginning March 17th. No prices have been announced and next to nothing is known about any sessions at this point, but I’m sure we’ll known more in due time.

Are any of you planning on attending this year’s Google I/O? What are a few things your hoping to see or hear announced? Sound off in the comments below.