Google Now Widget Looks to be Right Around the Corner According to Support Docs | #Android
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Google Now Widget Looks to be Right Around the Corner According to Support Docs

| On 11, Feb 2013

Google Now Widget Looks to be Right Around the Corner According to Support Docs

If you’ve been wishing for a Google Now widget, it would appear that wish is on its way to being granted. The support doc for Google Now now features a section for adding the Google Now widget (whew, that’s a lot of nows). Instructions are clear cut and simple, only problem, it’s not available yet.

The fact that this section has been added to the support doc is a clear indication that the widget is on its way very soon. I’m betting we see an update add this feature in less than a week. Anyone want to take that bet?

The widget looks very clean and minimal, so yea, very Google-esque. I look forward to checking it out when it becomes available. In the meantime, you can take a look at the support doc for all the information on this future addition.

Source: Google Support Via: Android Central