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Google Now’s Newest Trick: Food Orders

May 8, 2015 |

It’s been a while since I’ve talked about new and improved Google Now features. Not to say there haven’t been any (see: Shopping), I’ve just been too busy worrying about important stuff like, well, you know… food!

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Google Adds 70 new Partners to the Google App, now Including RunKeeper and Spotify

April 29, 2015 |

The Google app has become so much more than a way to search for information. It has become a virtual personal assistant. Google Now can show you what time it is at home, your flight information and even if there’s traffic on your normal route to the office. Read More

Google Search Can Now Tell You How to Make a Drink

March 6, 2015 |

Google Now updates and additions have been rolling out quicker than I can say “OK Google” — I don’t know what’s going on over there in Mountain View but I like it. We’ve been treated to health questions, NCAA stats, increased movie details, and a lot of other useful information. I’m honestly starting to become convinced that Google Now will one day become all we need on our phones.

Don’t believe me? You will after you let Google get you drunk with their latest feature.

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You Can Now Toggle Settings Using Your Voice

February 20, 2015 |

Google Now is always changing, adapting, and adding new setting for users to enable, modify, and benefit from. One recent change we noted, was the addition of medical symptom information in card view, right when you ask for it. And now, we’re treated to yet another new Google Now feature: voice activated settings.

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Use Google Now for Quick Answers to Your Health Questions

February 12, 2015 |

Google Now is getting more expansive and helpful everyday thanks to information that Google is getting from users. Apparently 1 in 20 questions asked on the search engine is health related. To aid these statistics, Google has enabled answers from their knowledge graph to be shown when you search for health information.

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Google Doodles add a bit of Visual Variety to Google Now

February 15, 2013 |

After going over some of the new features in Google Now, one visual change has those of us outside of major metro areas quite happy. That change? Google Doodles! Now, instead of the generic Google Now background image, we’re treated to the same featured Google Doodle of the day as you see on the web. Read More

Google Search Update Brings Google Now Widget, New Cards, and More

February 13, 2013 |

We knew it was coming, and like I predicted, it took less than a week for an update to bring us the new Google Now widget. Lucky for us, that’s not the only addition made in the latest update to the Google Search app. Read More

Google Now Widget Looks to be Right Around the Corner According to Support Docs

February 11, 2013 |

If you’ve been wishing for a Google Now widget, it would appear that wish is on its way to being granted. The support doc for Google Now now features a section for adding the Google Now widget (whew, that’s a lot of nows). Instructions are clear cut and simple, only problem, it’s not available yet. Read More