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#Android | July 26, 2024

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Find the Songs You’ve Searched for When Using Google’s Sound Search

June 16, 2015 |

If you’ve ever searched for music using Google’s Sound Search widget then you know just how easy it is to find out what song is playing on the radio or in the store. Google has made it extremely easy for its customers to discover new music on the go. All you do is download the widget and then place it on one of your device’s screens. Once you hear a song that you would like Google to identify you simply touch the widget and it’ll start searching for the song. You can also use the Google Now search box to search for a song, as well. Once Google notices that there is music playing in the background a little music sign will show up. When you tap that icon Google will get to work on finding out what song you’re listening to. Read More

Google Now Widget Looks to be Right Around the Corner According to Support Docs

February 11, 2013 |

If you’ve been wishing for a Google Now widget, it would appear that wish is on its way to being granted. The support doc for Google Now now features a section for adding the Google Now widget (whew, that’s a lot of nows). Instructions are clear cut and simple, only problem, it’s not available yet. Read More