The Internship Movie Trailer to Debut During Live Google+ Hangout With Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson | #Android
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The Internship Movie Trailer to Debut During Live Google+ Hangout With Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson

| On 13, Feb 2013

The Internship Movie Trailer to Debut During Live Google+ Hangout With Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson

Okay, this really isn’t Android news, but it’s still worth a look. If you haven’t heard, there’s a movie starring Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson in which the dynamic duo find themselves playing the part of two Google interns. The movie, which is aptly named The Internship, aims to bring us a closer look into life at the Googleplex, and of course, some classic Vaughn/Owen comedy.

With Google being involved, it was only a matter of time before something about the movie ended up on Google+. Well, it turns out they are going to be debuting the trailer to the movie during a live Google+ Hangout today at 2 p.m. EST.

The live hangout will feature both Vince Vaugn and Owen Wilson and will be hosted by the king of interview comedy: Mr. Conan O’Brien!

You certainly won’t want to miss out on what will surely be one fun Google+ Hangout.