Google now Pointing Consumers to T-Mobile Locations Where They can Overpay for a Nexus 4 | #Android
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#Android | February 22, 2025

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Google now Pointing Consumers to T-Mobile Locations Where They can Overpay for a Nexus 4

| On 14, Feb 2013

Google now Pointing Consumers to T-Mobile Locations Where They can Overpay for a Nexus 4

Do you enjoy overpaying for your devices? Well then you’re in luck! Google will shamelessly help you get ripped off by hunting down the nearest T-Mobile retailer where you can go pay $549.99 for the same Nexus 4 you can get on the Play store for $349.

I guess if you’re really desperate to purchase one right away or looking to go the subsidized route, then this new Nexus 4 locator could come in handy. Otherwise, it’s pretty useless. Perhaps Google is simply prepping for a new, broader, Nexus device locator that consumers will be able to use in the future.

It should really be called a T-Mobile retail store locator as it’s still not guaranteed that the stores listed will have the Nexus 4 in stock. So again, kind of useless.

If you’re still searching for a Nexus 4 and desperate to overpay for one, hit up the link below and Google will point you in the right a direction.

Source: Google