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nexus 4

T-Mobile now Offering the Nexus 4 for Free Until Sunday February 24 [Deal Alert]

February 22, 2013 |

It was only eleven days ago that T-Mobile dropped the price of the Nexus 4 to an incredible $50, and now, they’ve gone ahead and started offering it for free to anyone willing to sign a two-year contract. Read More

Google now Pointing Consumers to T-Mobile Locations Where They can Overpay for a Nexus 4

February 14, 2013 |

Do you enjoy overpaying for your devices? Well then you’re in luck! Google will shamelessly help you get ripped off by hunting down the nearest T-Mobile retailer where you can go pay $549.99 for the same Nexus 4 you can get on the Play store for $349. Read More

Android 4.2.2 Slowly Rolling out to GSM Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, 7, and 10 Devices

February 12, 2013 |

Android 4.2.2 has been slowly rolling out to a number of Nexus device since yesterday. If you’re holding onto a GSM Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, Nexus 7, or Nexus 10, then you’re going to want to keep an eye out for the update if you haven’t already received it. Read More

Official Nexus 4 Wireless Charging Orb now Available on Google Play for $59.99

February 11, 2013 |

The speed at which official Nexus accessories move to market may be horrendous, but that doesn’t make them any less exciting. The accessory many of you Nexus 4 owners have been waiting for has finally arrived in Google Play. I’m of course talking about the ultra cool looking wireless charging orb. Read More

What you Might Have Missed: T-Mobile Drops Price of Nexus 4 to $49.99, HTC One, and More

February 11, 2013 |

If by the off chance you were sick as a dog and snowed in like I’ve been over the past 4-5 days, then there’s a slew of Android news you might have missed. I figured I’d post up a quick roundup to bring myself up to speed as well as inform anyone else who might have been out of the loop. Read More

One Online Retailer Begins Taking Pre-Orders for the LG Nexus 4 Wireless Charging Orb

February 1, 2013 |

If there’s one thing that Nexus devices lack, it’s official accessories. There’s usually little to choose from and worst of all they usually don’t become available until months after a devices launch. One such accessory happens to be the wireless charging orb for the LG Nexus 4. Read More

Would you be Interested in a White Nexus 4?

January 29, 2013 |

Today is certainly Nexus 4 day, and there’s only one way to end such a day — with a white Nexus 4! Popular devices are known for having a white counterpart and apparently the Nexus 4 is no different. The guys over at phoneArena received photo evidence of such a device existing, and while it was void of any information such as availability, cost, etc., it does leave us to drool a bit. Read More

Wirefly Offering the Nexus 4 on Contract for an amazing $149.99 [Deal Alert]

January 29, 2013 |

I can tell you one thing, there’s no shortage of Nexus 4 devices today. First we hear rumors of the Play store receiving fresh stock today, then we hear about Best Buy carrying the device, and now, we get word of Wirefly offering what appears to be the lowest on-contract pricing we’ve yet to see. Read More

Best Buy now Selling T-Mobile Nexus 4 Devices Online

January 29, 2013 |

Thanks to lack of supply, consumers have been frantically tossing money at their screens in hopes of scoring a Nexus 4. While T-Mobile sparingly stocks its shelves, Best Buy has joined in to help by adding its own supply for anyone looking to pick one up with or without a contract. Read More