Official Nexus 4 Wireless Charging Orb now Available on Google Play for $59.99 | #Android
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Official Nexus 4 Wireless Charging Orb now Available on Google Play for $59.99

| On 11, Feb 2013

Official Nexus 4 Wireless Charging Orb now Available on Google Play for $59.99

The speed at which official Nexus accessories move to market may be horrendous, but that doesn’t make them any less exciting. The accessory many of you Nexus 4 owners have been waiting for has finally arrived in Google Play. I’m of course talking about the ultra cool looking wireless charging orb.

If you head over to the Play store now, you’ll find the wireless charger available for $59.99 with a shipping date of “soon.” We’re not to shocked at the $59.99 price tag as it’s on par with what we’ve been seeing around the web.

We all know that anything that has to do with the Nexus 4 and the Play store doesn’t last very long, so hurry up and get one while you can.

Buy: Nexus 4 Wireless Charger