One Online Retailer Begins Taking Pre-Orders for the LG Nexus 4 Wireless Charging Orb | #Android
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One Online Retailer Begins Taking Pre-Orders for the LG Nexus 4 Wireless Charging Orb

| On 01, Feb 2013

One Online Retailer Begins Taking Pre-Orders for the LG Nexus 4 Wireless Charging Orb

If there’s one thing that Nexus devices lack, it’s official accessories. There’s usually little to choose from and worst of all they usually don’t become available until months after a devices launch. One such accessory happens to be the wireless charging orb for the LG Nexus 4.

While there’s still no official release date for this highly sought after accessory, one online retailer has begun taking pre-orders.

Online retailer Pure Mobile has the wireless charging orb listed for $59.99 and while they’ll happily take your money, once your ready to checkout you will be notified that the item is “backordered.”

If it helps you feel better to order the orb now, then by all means follow the link below and order one today. As for actual date of availability, your guess is as good as ours.

Source: Pure Mobile