James Taylor and HTC Clear up Misunderstandings, the Internet can now Rest | #Android
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James Taylor and HTC Clear up Misunderstandings, the Internet can now Rest

| On 02, Feb 2013

James Taylor and HTC Clear up Misunderstandings, the Internet can now Rest

A couple weeks back, James Taylor, former owner of HTCRUU.com was issued a Cease & Desist order from HTC’s lawyers over his domain name and the copyrighted files hosted on his site. Confusion soon arose over what exactly HTC took issue with and it soon escalated into a perceived attack on the developer community.

The tension among the developer community and HTC began to really heat up and HTC finally felt enough pressure to respond. While HTC came out and advocated their support for the dev community, the million dollar question still remained: could developers host HTC RUUs and custom ROMs or would they too receive C&D orders?

HTC has finally come clean with James Taylor regarding the situation and has cleared up any misunderstandings by letting him know that they have no issues with the hosting of the RUUs and ROMs with the exception of hosting test ROMs. This is great news for the developer community as well as for James, who was able to transfer the files over to the domain ruu.androidfiles.org.

The internet can now rest and feel at peace with the whole situation. HTC isn’t on a witch hunt and won’t be shutting down sites simply because they’re hosting HTC RUUs and ROMs.

In hindsight, James admits his choice in a domain name probably wasn’t the wisest and that HTC was in their right to ask him to hand it over.

You can actually read James full account of the situation over at RootzWiki. I guess we can all put the pitchforks away now.