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#Android | July 27, 2024

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T-Mobile Expanding Retail Store Availablitly of the Nexus 4 This Month

January 3, 2013 |

Speaking of the Nexus 4, it looks like T-Mobile will begin carrying this elusive beast in all their retail stores starting this month. If you still haven’t managed to score a Nexus 4 from Google Play and don’t mind paying an extra $150, you might want to consider walking into your local T-Mobile store to see when they’ll have them in stock. Read More

Nexus 4 Fanatics use a bit of Detective Work to Uncover Approximate Sales Figures

January 3, 2013 |

The Nexus 4 didn’t exactly have the smoothest launch and was riddled by server crashes, fluctuating stock, and just plain miscommunication. Despite all of these mishaps, the sales of this pure Google device continued to soar. Well, at least that’s what we were led to believe by the perpetual “Sold Out” notification and ever slipping shipping dates. Read More