Nexus 4 Fanatics use a bit of Detective Work to Uncover Approximate Sales Figures | #Android
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Nexus 4 Fanatics use a bit of Detective Work to Uncover Approximate Sales Figures

| On 03, Jan 2013

Nexus 4 Fanatics use a bit of Detective Work to Uncover Approximate Sales Figures

The Nexus 4 didn’t exactly have the smoothest launch and was riddled by server crashes, fluctuating stock, and just plain miscommunication. Despite all of these mishaps, the sales of this pure Google device continued to soar. Well, at least that’s what we were led to believe by the perpetual “Sold Out” notification and ever slipping shipping dates.

The rapid depletion of Nexus 4 stock prompted many to wonder just how abundant the Nexus 4 stock was to begin with? Was it an issue of poor planning and limited stock or was the Nexus 4 simply uber popular?

Since Google and LG weren’t divulging any sales numbers or information, a few enthusiasts over at XDA decided to do a little detective work of their own.

After a bit of super sleuthing, these curious chaps figured out that if they inputed their IMEI( International Mobile Station Equipment Identity) numbers into an LG mobile link usually used for finding new firmware, they were treated with a string of information — including production numbers.

According to the data attained, XDA members were able to estimate total Nexus 4 sales at around 375,000 (I believe that may only be sales figures for the 16GB model).

How close this information is to actual sales numbers will undoubtedly remain a mystery, but if we’re to believe Google became completely sold out of stock after only 375,000 units, then it’s safe to say they didn’t exactly plan on selling very many units (considering 850K Android devices are activated every single day).

These numbers aren’t going to matter much to those of you still waiting for your Nexus 4 to arrive, but it sheds a bit of light on the situation for those of you wondering about such things.

Source:XDA Via: TechCrunch