Official Nexus 7 Dock Finally Availble in the Play Store | #Android
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Official Nexus 7 Dock Finally Availble in the Play Store

| On 06, Mar 2013

Official Nexus 7 Dock Finally Availble in the Play Store

“Better late than never” they always say. If you’ve been holding off on ordering an official dock for your Nexus 7 in hopes it would eventually show up on the Play store, then today is your lucky day. If you head over to the Play store, you’ll find the dock is in stock and ready to be shipped — “soon.”

While there are a multitude of online retailers selling the dock, it looks as if the Play store is offering the best price at $29.99.

If you’re like me, you do your best to purchase via the Play store in order to encourage Google to release more accessories and devices more often and much quicker. If that sounds like you, then head over to the Play store now and pick up that Nexus 7 dock you’ve been patiently waiting for.

Buy: Nexus 7 Dock