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#Android | July 27, 2024

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Official Nexus 7 Dock Finally Availble in the Play Store

March 6, 2013 |

“Better late than never” they always say. If you’ve been holding off on ordering an official dock for your Nexus 7 in hopes it would eventually show up on the Play store, then today is your lucky day. If you head over to the Play store, you’ll find the dock is in stock and ready to be shipped — “soon.” Read More

Google Nexus 7 Dock Still Slated for a January Release

January 10, 2013 |

Traditionally, Google and their Nexus products don’t see much in the way of official accessories (and if they do, it’s usually 6+ months down the road). Another prime example of the lackluster accessory support comes at the unavailability of official docks for both the Nexus 7 and Nexus 10. While we can’t speculate on the Nexus 10, we’ve known for a month or so that the Nexus 7 dock is right around the corner. Read More