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#Android | July 26, 2024

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ASUS ZenFone 2 is now Available in the US Starting at $199

May 19, 2015 |

ASUS is no stranger to the mobile scene. They’ve had unique transformable tablets, phone-tablet duos, and even just your run-of-the-mill smartphones. Earlier in the year at CES, ASUS announced it’s newest flaghip the ZenFone 2, and after a few months, it is now ready to show its face here in the states.

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AT&T Announces Pricing and Availability for Exclusive ASUS MeMo Pad 7 LTE

April 6, 2015 |

Earlier this morning AT&T sent out press emails about one of their upcoming tablets, the ASUS MeMO Pad 7 LTE — what a hell of a name. This tablet will be one of the more affordable connected tablets in AT&T’s lineup, allowing customers to add it to their plan without breaking the bank.

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ASUS Nexus Player Now Available from Best Buy

January 22, 2015 |

According to a respected source of ours, Best Buy retailers have begun receiving the Nexus Player and are now selling them both in-store and online.

You’ll notice the online site has yet to be updated to reflect the new inventory but reports reveal the price of the Player to be the same $99.99 we’re used to seeing in the Play Store. As an added bonus (or waste of money) Best Buy is also giving customer’s a chance to purchase Best Buy’s Geek Squad warranty in case anything should go wrong.

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Official Nexus 7 Dock Finally Availble in the Play Store

March 6, 2013 |

“Better late than never” they always say. If you’ve been holding off on ordering an official dock for your Nexus 7 in hopes it would eventually show up on the Play store, then today is your lucky day. If you head over to the Play store, you’ll find the dock is in stock and ready to be shipped — “soon.” Read More

ASUS Knows how to do Updates, Releases Android 4.2 to the Transformer Pad TF300T

March 4, 2013 |

If there’s one OEM who has been great at keeping their devices up-to-date with the latest version of Android, it’s ASUS. Today, they reiterated their dedication by being the first OEM to roll out Android 4.2 to a non-Nexus tablet. Read More

ASUS Posts Their Quirky MWC Conference for all to Enjoy

February 26, 2013 |

If you’re sad about missing out on the wacky ASUS conference in where they unveiled a duo of misspelled devices, then turn that frown upside down, because ASUS has posted the highlights for all to enjoy.

You’ll want to grab some popcorn for this one folks.


Someone Please tell ASUS that “Phone” is not Spelled With an “F”

February 25, 2013 |

Today at Mobile World Congress, ASUS took the stage to show off its future wares. While you never can tell what ASUS is going to show up with, we at least knew a new Padfone model would make an appearance. As expected, ASUS announced the all new Padfone Infinity. Read More

ASUS to Reveal new Padfone at Mobile World Congress?

February 20, 2013 |

Guess who else has a fancy little countdown clock on their website to get fans excited for Mobile World Congress 2013? That’s right, ASUS! You didn’t think they were going to let LG and HTC have all the fun, did you? Read More

Did the Android 4.2.2 Update Improve the Battery Life of the Nexus 7 by 2 Hours?

February 12, 2013 |

While you search for what’s new and improved in Android 4.2.2, why not take a quick look at the official Nexus 7 specs listed on Google Play. What’s that? You don’t understand? Well, it appears Google has upped the battery life of the Nexus 7 from 8 hours of active use to 10 hours. This change comes in conjunction with the Android 4.2.2 update.

Coincidence? Read More