Deal: Grab ‘Transformers’ and ‘Ghost Stories’ Free Today | #Android
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Deal: Grab ‘Transformers’ and ‘Ghost Stories’ Free Today

| On 05, Mar 2015

Deal: Grab ‘Transformers’ and ‘Ghost Stories’ Free Today

Google has always been good about providing users with excellent free content, even though that can seemingly go against the mantra of being a business. With their limited-time promotion going on the Play Store, you’d think that’d be all the deals we’d see from Google at the moment. You’d be wrong.

Google has put out the first Transformer’s movie (normally ~$18) and Coldplay’s latest album, Ghost Album (normally ~$10), for free through the Play Store. A while ago, through a chromecast promotion, we were able to get the 3rd Transformer’s movie, Dark Side of the Moon, for free — so now all we need is the 2nd and the latest to complete the collection.

If you like Michael Bay’s adaptation of an 80’s childhood cartoon or the compelling talented sounds of Coldplay, then click the links below to snag these before they’re back to being paid.

Google Play: Transformers | Ghost Stories