Deal: Google Puts 33 Items on Sale for the Play Store’s 3rd Birthday | #Android
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Deal: Google Puts 33 Items on Sale for the Play Store’s 3rd Birthday

| On 02, Mar 2015

Deal: Google Puts 33 Items on Sale for the Play Store’s 3rd Birthday

A short 3 years ago, Google Play was born and with it came the Play Store: a place to easily access apps, music, videos and much more for your Android device. To celebrate its 3rd birthday, the Google Play team has discounted a variety of 33 apps, books, music and more for a limited time.

Although the list of items is small, the deals are great — some of the deals even cover in-app purchases. Unfortunately there’s only five apps for sale but we’re sure you’ll find the music and movie/TV offers to be of better value (Yea B***H!).

Head on over to the Play Store by clicking the widget below to access all the price-slashed content right now. You only have a limited time to do so and Google hasn’t said when this birthday party will end.

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