T-Mobile Already Sold out of Nexus 4 Devices online | #Android
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T-Mobile Already Sold out of Nexus 4 Devices online

| On 24, Jan 2013

T-Mobile Already Sold out of Nexus 4 Devices online

Well that was fast! It was just yesterday that we told you about T-Mobile’s fresh stock of Nexus 4 devices, and already, they’re sold out. At this point, I’m at a loss for words. Obviously there’s a demand for the device, so why the lack of supply?

Call me crazy, but if I had a device everyone wanted, I’d surely order enough to supply the masses and make myself some cash. The complete opposite seems to be happening with the Nexus 4. Since I can’t imagine a company wanting to lose out on millions of dollars of sales, I’m going to go ahead and go conspiracy theory on this one and say they actually don’t want to sell them.

I simply can’t think of any other rational explanation for the lack of supply, so I’m sticking to my poor stretch of an excuse until someone gives me some straight answers.

What now? Well, you can try your local T-Mobile to see if they have any in stock, otherwise, you’ll just have to wait until T-Mobile or Google decides to order more.

All I know, is the more they make consumers wait, the more consumers they’ll eventually lose — which is apparently what they want from what I can tell.

Source: T-Mobile