Still Interested in Picking up a Nexus 4? T-Mobile has Them in Stock Online | #Android
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Still Interested in Picking up a Nexus 4? T-Mobile has Them in Stock Online

| On 23, Jan 2013

Still Interested in Picking up a Nexus 4? T-Mobile has Them in Stock Online

If you’ve been holding out for a Nexus 4, in hopes they would one day return to the Play Store, you might want to consider giving T-Mobile a look. As promised, T-Mobile has been stocking their shelves (both physical and virtual) with Nexus 4 devices and are ready to ship them out to anyone willing to hand over their cash.

It almost sounds to good to be true, doesn’t it? Well that’s because it is. If you were hoping to take home a Nexus 4 contract free, you’ll have to fork over an extra $150 compared to full retail on Google Play.

To be honest, I don’t think T-Mobile’s goal is to sell a load of off-contract Nexus 4 devices. I do believe they’re aiming to score some contracts using the very attractive subsidized price of $199.99.

I’m going to go ahead and make the prediction that the majority of Nexus 4 devices sold via T-Mobile are going to be subsidized. I can’t possibly fathom any individual paying $549.99 for the same exact device that retails for $349 on the Play Store, regardless of whether or not it is available on the Play Store.

At this point, I wouldn’t even considered picking up the Nexus 4, but if you’re mind is made up, then you can follow the link below and be on your way to owning Google’s latest Nexus device.

Source: T-Mobile