Apple’s Siri: The Verizon Bloatware That Never Was | #Android
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Apple’s Siri: The Verizon Bloatware That Never Was

| On 23, Jan 2013

Apple’s Siri: The Verizon Bloatware That Never Was

Did you know that Apple’s “revolutionary” voice assistant software Siri almost ended up as Verizon bloatware for Android users? That’s a scary though isn’t it? Well, according to a Huffington Post article about Siri’s origins, before Apple sunk its teeth into the startup, Verizon had signed a deal with the founders of Siri to make it a default app on all Android phones.

Thankfully, Steve Jobs came to our (Android users on Verizon) rescue and saved us from having yet one more piece of Verizon bloat to worry about.

From what I hear, Siri was actually quite the revolutionary piece of software back in the day and its founders are highly disappointed in how Apple managed to cripple it and hold back its potential.

“So it’s disappointing to those of us that were part of the original team to see how slowly that’s progressed out of the acquired company into the marketplace.”

I fear Verizon wouldn’t have been much better at utilizing the original Siri. They too would have managed to cripple the software, eventually molding it into a piece of Big Red bloat to fit their wallet sucking agenda.

It’s actually quite sad to read about the vision Siri’s creators had versus what it has become today. Then again, in the world of software and startups, it’s actually quite a typical story.

If you want to read all about the origins of Siri and how it almost became a piece of bloat for us Verizon Android users, you can do so by following the source link below.

Source: Huffington Post