Google Files Application With FCC for Experimental Wireless Network | #Android
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Google Files Application With FCC for Experimental Wireless Network

| On 24, Jan 2013

Google Files Application With FCC for Experimental Wireless Network

Google is once again toying with our emotions by reinvigorating our Google wireless network fantasies with an FCC filing. Google has submitted an application to the FFC, asking for a license to create an experimental radio service, or more specifically, an experimental campus-wide (2 mile radius) wireless network based off of an obscure set of frequencies: 2524 to 2625MHz.

So what does this mean? Your guess is as good as ours. It’s not unlike Google to experiment on campus — but they ought to know we’re all watching, and when you start hinting at a Google wireless network, we start salivating. It’s what we all want: Google to swoop in and save us from the old, tired, greedy wireless duopoly of AT&T and Verizon.

Thousands of us have already contemplated packing up and moving to Kansas City for Google’s Fiber services, can you image what would happen if Google coupled that with its own wireless network service for mobile devices? “Take my money!” is right.

We have so many questions about this latest “experiement,” as we’re sure you do, but we fear there will be no immediate answers. I guess we’ll just have to continue to dream and hope that Google doesn’t drop this experiment, as it has so many others.

The program of experimentation is scheduled to last 24 months, so either way, we’re at the least, a couple years away from seeing anything. That doesn’t mean we can’t continue to dream.

Source: FCC Via: WSJ