Watch Samsung “Unpack” its Latest Galaxy Lineup Live on March 1st | #Android
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Watch Samsung “Unpack” its Latest Galaxy Lineup Live on March 1st

| On 27, Feb 2015

Watch Samsung “Unpack” its Latest Galaxy Lineup Live on March 1st

Mobile World Congress 2015 is so close I can almost taste the Samsung Six Appeal. With Samsung set to “unpack” its latest Galaxy Lineup, it’s no surprise we’re now seeing another time-honored live stream countdown clock. Just as with HTC, Samsung is planning to get everyone with an internet connection to tune in March 1st for the live stream of its 2015 Galaxy Unpacked event in Barcelona.

If you’re a mobile tech enthusiast (which I’m guessing those reading this are) then you might want to load up on some snacks and find something comfy to wear because Sunday is going to be a long day filled with more “next big thing” hyperbole than you can shake a selfie stick at.

Check out the links below (and the live stream YouTube embed) to stay on top of what Samsung has planned for MWC 2015 and then hit us up on social media with your thoughts on Samsung’s hyped up “Six Appeal.”

Samsung UK Unpacked | Samsung Mobile Press