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#Android | July 27, 2024

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Collections Brings Grouping Posts by Topic to Google+

May 5, 2015 |

Google+ has been overdue for a new feature and Google has definitely satisfied that today by announcing and releasing “Collections.” Collections is a way to group your posts by their topic. For example, you could create a Collection that is comic book based and fill it up with a bunch of neat comic news. Users of Google+ can also follow Collections about things that they’re interested in. Read More

ASUS Knows how to do Updates, Releases Android 4.2 to the Transformer Pad TF300T

March 4, 2013 |

If there’s one OEM who has been great at keeping their devices up-to-date with the latest version of Android, it’s ASUS. Today, they reiterated their dedication by being the first OEM to roll out Android 4.2 to a non-Nexus tablet. Read More

YouTube for Android Adds Notification Playback and More in Latest Update

February 22, 2013 |

YouTube pushed out a nice little update to its Android app today, bringing with it a bug fix as well as a couple useful features. Read More

SwiftKey Takes Flow out of Beta, Drops Price to $1.99

February 20, 2013 |

Top keyboard replacement, SwiftKey, has finally taken its gesture typing feature Flow out of beta and into prime time. In celebration of its success and updated features, SwiftKey has cut its price in half and is now available in the Play store for $1.99. Read More

Teaching an old dog new Tricks: Galaxy Note (N7000) now Being Treated to Android 4.1.2

February 18, 2013 |

The device that started a phablet phenomenon is getting a new lease on life thanks to the Android 4.1.2 Jelly Bean update. That’s right, I’m talking about the original Samsung Galaxy Note getting Jelly Bean! Read More

Google Search Update Brings Google Now Widget, New Cards, and More

February 13, 2013 |

We knew it was coming, and like I predicted, it took less than a week for an update to bring us the new Google Now widget. Lucky for us, that’s not the only addition made in the latest update to the Google Search app. Read More

Android 4.2.2 Slowly Rolling out to GSM Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, 7, and 10 Devices

February 12, 2013 |

Android 4.2.2 has been slowly rolling out to a number of Nexus device since yesterday. If you’re holding onto a GSM Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, Nexus 7, or Nexus 10, then you’re going to want to keep an eye out for the update if you haven’t already received it. Read More

Twitter App to Receive Better Search, Single Stream Discovery, and More

February 6, 2013 |

There’s been a lot of buzz lately over the third-party Twitter app Carbon, however, Twitter isn’t going to simply roll over and die. In fact, they’re about to roll out a new update in hopes of preventing users from straying away. Read More

Verizon Finally Approves Ice Cream Sandwich for the HTC Thunderbolt, but does anyone Really Care?

January 31, 2013 |

Most Thunderbolt owners have already accepted the fact that they’ve been shafted on so many levels, but now that Verizon has actually gone ahead and released Ice Cream Sandwich for the aging device, will they feel any differently? Read More