#Android’s Daily Wallpaper: Oz the Great and Powerful | #Android
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#Android’s Daily Wallpaper: Oz the Great and Powerful

| On 11, Mar 2013

#Android’s Daily Wallpaper: Oz the Great and Powerful

Anyone who has followed me across the Android blogosphere knows I love wallpapers. I’ve done both weekly and daily wallpaper features, and now that I’m with Hashtag Android, I’m going to continue with the daily format. If you’re a connoisseur of wallpapers or simply enjoy change once in a while, you’ll definitely want to stop by daily to see what wallpaper #Android has to share.

In case you missed it, Oz the Great and Powerful hit theaters this past Friday and since I’m a fan of both the classic and modern stories, I though it’s be a perfect time to share a couple of wallpapers.

Both wallpapers come from the official Disney site but I’ve cropped out the annoying “In Theaters blah, blah, blah.” If you’d like the entire wallpaper or would like to see Disney’s other offerings, be sure to visit the Disney site via the source link found below.

You can grab this, as well as all our other featured wallpapers, over at our Google+ page.

For the full size image, simply follow the link below, click on the image and then click on “download full size,” which can be found under options.

Full Size Image

Emerald City

Full Size Image

Source: Disney

Disclaimer: We do our best to identify the original authors of our featured wallpapers, however, some images lack copyright info, artist signature or any trace of origin. There are sometimes literally hundreds of copies of these images on the web so if you find you are the originator of any of the wallpapers we feature and would like credit or simply wish for us to remove said wallpaper, please kindly email contact@hashtagandroid.com and we’ll be more than happy to comply. Thanks and enjoy!