[Root] CM Recovery Now Working on Nexus Player | #Android
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[Root] CM Recovery Now Working on Nexus Player

| On 14, Apr 2015

[Root] CM Recovery Now Working on Nexus Player

It was only a matter of time right? Soon after the Nexus Player was released, Chainfire had working root on it (probably just for proof of concept), and now, thanks to developer dhacker29 (famous for keeping Motorola devices alive and functioning) we have a working custom recovery for the premier Android TV player.

For David (dhacker29), one of the main purposes of getting recovery working for the Nexus Player was simply to “free” it from its Android TV lockdown — including the Leanback Launcher. It has been noted that he is working on building CM 12 for the Player, but is currently struggling with bluetooth pairing with the remote — it boots!

He has made his progress and the recovery available for everyone to follow on twitter. If you want to really unleash the power of the Nexus Player, be sure to check out the source link below to find out just what the Nexus Player is capable of.


Source: Twitter | CM Recovery