Android Lollipop 5.1.1 Factory Images are Here! | #Android
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Android Lollipop 5.1.1 Factory Images are Here!

| On 21, Apr 2015

Android Lollipop 5.1.1 Factory Images are Here!

It seems like just yesterday Google released the recent Android 5.1 update and here we are now sitting on the images for 5.1.1 (LMY47V). Of course these images won’t all arrive at the same time, as we’re still waiting for the Nexus 9 to receive 5.1, but of course we’ll keep you updated on the progress.

We don’t expect this update to be a big one, but it should squash some recurring bugs we have here and there and improve stability and performance. For now we don’t have any word from Google (and we very likely won’t) about what the actual changes include.

Currently the only Nexus device to receive the uploaded image is the Nexus Player, our premier Android TV console. Hopefully we’ll see the update for the Nexus 6 next (Unfortunately, I don’t believe it has yet to be first in line).

5.1.1 Factory images:

To download and flash the images (via fastboot, just so you know) head on over to the Google developers page from our source link down below.

Source: Google Developers