Clarity Keyboard Gets Outed by Swiftkey as Part of its Greenhouse Program | #Android
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#Android | July 27, 2024

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Clarity Keyboard Gets Outed by Swiftkey as Part of its Greenhouse Program

| On 27, Apr 2015

Clarity Keyboard Gets Outed by Swiftkey as Part of its Greenhouse Program

Swiftkey has quietly unveiled to the world that it has created a new branch/project called Greenhouse, which will be where the company will host all of their upcoming beta projects — similar to the one they revealed today. The first project is a third-party keyboard (as if we don’t have enough of those), titled Clarity.

Clarity is supposed to help you with your writing by offering a more minimal Swiftkey experience that should help you “focus on your writing and nothing else” — their moniker. Luckily they have some features built in that are pretty neat, such as: multi-word autocorrect, an ever-learning autocorrect, and the ability to delete autocorrected words/phrases.

Swiftkey will of course be tracking the use of this product, but only to see what users will really want and need with the keyboard and of course to improve it. I was shocked to find that in this first beta (version 0.3.2) there are absolutely no options to change — which doesnt help when the keyboard size is not optimal at all.

Be sure to go download this beta from the Play Store and let us know how you like Clarity and also visit Swiftkey’s website to learn more about their Greenhouse program.


Source: Play Store | Swiftkey