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Shazam now Allows you to Find out That New Song From Your Wrist

May 21, 2015 |

Shazam is one of the leading services for finding out what that song is that’s playing on the radio that you didn’t hear the title to, as well as getting lyrics to songs as well. They’ve pretty much gotten so big that TV shows have Shazam spots in shows so that you can get access to featured content. Now with a new update, you’ll be able to find everything faster.

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LG Shows Off Class and Customization of the Watch Urbane in Promo Trailer

February 25, 2015 |

Last weekend, LG told the world of a new Android Wear watch that they were releasing soon, the LG Watch Urbane. The Urbane touts a classy, all-metal Wear device in which to rival the Moto 360. In the press release though, LG only included photos and nothing else. Now it seems they have added a video in an attempt to impress us even further.

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LG Watch Urbane is LG’s Newest Android Wear Watch

February 16, 2015 |

Over the weekend, LG clocked its way into the inboxes of media outlets across the globe with its latest and greatest product: the LG Watch Urbane. The LG Watch Urbane will be LG’s third Android Wear watch in less than a year, and you know what they say: third time’s a charm.

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