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#Android | July 26, 2024

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Android M

You can now Root Android M!

June 9, 2015 |

While it wasn’t totally unexpected, rooting the new developer preview of Android M wasn’t the first thing i thought of when Pichai was unveiling the update. Rooting a Nexus however, has not been seen as one of the most difficult tasks in the Android community. The community prevails once again with this root method for Android M.

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[Pro-Tip] How to Access VoLTE in Android M Preview

June 3, 2015 |

With the Android M developer preview just recently being available, we have to be aware that certain settings and options have changed and that being a developer preview not everything will work. There are many things not working to full potential in M, but one of those that we though we’re broken happens to just be hidden: VoLTE.

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Android M in Pictures

May 28, 2015 |

During today’s Google I/O ‘15 Day 1 keynote announcement, the Google Developers team revealed the long-awaited Android M — we were even treated to a developer preview that you can run on your Nexus 5, 6, 9, or Player right now! There are some subtle changes to M as far as UI goes but there’s at least enough to show off. And that’s exactly what I plan to do. If you are unsure about what M will provide for you, I hope to answer some question with the gallery below and will make some remarks as time goes on. First off, again, not much has changed; the dev preview is stable as well. One of the big features that I plan on trying is ‘Now on Tap’.

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