Motorola Bluetooth Keyboard (89451N) Now Just $19.99 With Coupon [Deal Alert] | #Android
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Motorola Bluetooth Keyboard (89451N) Now Just $19.99 With Coupon [Deal Alert]

| On 25, Jan 2013

Motorola Bluetooth Keyboard (89451N) Now Just $19.99 With Coupon [Deal Alert]

I wouldn’t get nearly as much work done on my tablet if it weren’t for my Bluetooth keyboard. It’s one accessory I can honestly say was worth the money. If you don’t already own one, I highly suggest taking a look at the deal Newegg has going for the Motorola 89451N.

This slim Bluetooth keyboard has everything you need to take your tablet/smartphone productivity up a notch and won’t cost you an arm and a leg. Believe it or not, this little device once retailed for $100! Of course you would have had to have been insane to consider such a thing, but now, at just $19.99 with coupon code EMCXWVS225, you’d have to be insane not to.

The deal is supposed to run until January 30th but I’m not sure if it also ends once stock is gone. Either way, you’ll want to scoop one up while you can. To take advantage of this great deal, simply follow the source link below.

Source: Newegg Via: Android Police