Deal: Grab the Asus Padfone X Mini for Only $100 | #Android
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Deal: Grab the Asus Padfone X Mini for Only $100

| On 15, May 2015

Deal: Grab the Asus Padfone X Mini for Only $100

We’ve had some good deals on this site from time to time and this one seems just as awesome as some of the others. Through this weekend you’ll be able to grab the Asus Padfone X Mini (both phone and tablet) for only $100 — that’s 80% off, with the retail price being $500.

Just in case you don’t remember what powers the Padfone X Mini, you’re looking at a 7” (1280 x 800) tablet/4.5” (FWVGA) phone that houses a 1.6 Ghz Intel Atom processor with 1GB of Ram and 8GB of internal storage. The rear camera is 5MP while the front cameras are 2MP (phone) and 1MP (tablet), and there is support for both microSD cards and LTE. The Padfone X Mini is also running on Android 4.4 Kit Kat with no signs of being upgraded to Lollipop.

So you’re looking at a device that is no where close to the flagship devices that we see nowadays but for the price of this combination is very hard to pass it up — if I didn’t already have too many devices then I would’ve bought this at least for a backup or a gift. This deal is hosted through Ebay by a trusted seller and ends on 11:00AM EST, May 18. Don’t miss it!


Source: Ebay