For the First Time Ever, Cupcake is Absent From the Android Distribution Table | #Android
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For the First Time Ever, Cupcake is Absent From the Android Distribution Table

| On 03, Jan 2013

For the First Time Ever, Cupcake is Absent From the Android Distribution Table

Every month, Google gives us look at the various Android platform versions accessing the Play store. This kind of information is crucial to developers looking to ensure support where support is needed and also gives us an idea of how fast devices are or aren’t being updated. Surprisingly, every month, good old Cupcake shows up with a proud 0.1% distribution, reminding us that Cupcakes never say die. However, I am sad to report, for the first time ever — Cupcake is missing.

Should we put out an APB for our dear old friend, or has this lone confectionery finally frosted off to that great sugar cloud in the sky? I don’t know what to do, but I can tell you with certainty that this is the saddest Android distribution report I’ve read thus far.

After pulling myself together, I took a gander at the latest numbers and started comparing them to last month’s chart. I was happy to see that both Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean were on the rise, while all previous version of Android saw a slight decline.

Gingerbread continues to be the dominate platform version with 47.6% of Android devices still running this two-year old relic, however, that’s a 3.2% decline since the previous month. Most of that loss came at the expense of Jelly Bean, which saw the largest increase with a one month spike of 3.5%. I know, 3.5% doesn’t sound like a large increase, but in the Android world, that’s something to celebrate.

Expect those Jelly Bean numbers to skyrocket after CES as I’m betting we’ll see an influx of updates and new devices hit the market.

And maybe, just maybe, we’ll see Cupcake return. *wipes tear*

Source: Android Developers