Deal: Catching Fire (Book), Free on the Play Store | #Android
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Deal: Catching Fire (Book), Free on the Play Store

| On 21, Feb 2015

Deal: Catching Fire (Book), Free on the Play Store

We usually don’t notice when Google has free reading material available from the Play Store, mostly only viewable media or paid apps. Yet, Google has recently done a wonderful, and brilliant thing in offering the second Hunger Games book, Catching Fire, for free on the Play Store — along with a discount on the the first and third book in the series.

If you have never heard of the Hunger Games, (I’d have to ask what kind of rock you’ve been living under) it’s a story set in a Dystopian future surrounding the events of what happens when a central government has to invoke a set of trials, known as games, where people from the 13 districts in the nation fight to death in order to get food, supplies, etc. for survival.

With the second book being free, you kinda need the first (The Hunger Games) to understand what’s going on, and you’ll need the third (Mockingjay) to finish the series. Graciously, Google put them on sale. All three are available from the widget below so click below and start reading.

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