Android Tip: Prevent App Shortcuts From Automatically Appearing on Your Home Screen | #Android
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Android Tip: Prevent App Shortcuts From Automatically Appearing on Your Home Screen

| On 11, Jan 2013

Android Tip: Prevent App Shortcuts From Automatically Appearing on Your Home Screen

Whether you’re a casual user or power user, one thing is for certain — you’re going to be downloading apps. You may have noticed that every new app you download receives a nice little shortcut icon on your home screen. That might not be a big deal for some of you, but for others (especially you app hoarders out there) having dozens of app icons automatically added to your home screen can be unnecessary and make for quite the cluttered home screen.

Since no one likes a cluttered home screen (well, mostly no one), you soon find yourself spending more time than you’d like removing and organizing this collage of automatically added icons. What if I told you there was a way to stop this madness? Well, there is!

It’s fairly easy to prevent app shortcuts from automatically appearing on your home screen and requires only a few simple steps.

  1. Open up the Play store on your Android device
  2. Click on the Menu icon (varies with device – most likely 3 lines or dots)
  3. Choose Settings
  4. Uncheck box next to “Auto-add widgets”
  5. That’s it!

Now when you download and install a new app, the icon will only be added to the App Drawer and not the home screen. Once the app shows up in your App Drawer, organizing and controlling it is a simple drag and drop away.