Watch Episodes of Pokémon While on the go With Pokémon TV for Android | #Android
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Watch Episodes of Pokémon While on the go With Pokémon TV for Android

| On 12, Feb 2013

Watch Episodes of Pokémon While on the go With Pokémon TV for Android

If you’re a Pokémon fan looking to catch a few episodes while on the go, then we have the perfect app for you. Pokémon TV just hit the Play store and offers a wide range of episodes chock full of Ash, Pikachu, and all their wild and crazy friends.

The app is free and also includes special features and trailers for upcoming Pokémon movie events. While not a Pokémon fan myself, I’m sure this will be a great companion for those who are.

A quick browse through the reviews reveal mostly positive feedback with the biggest complaint being a lack of all episodes and seasons. Apparently it’s random episodes from each season, but hey, it’s free!

To download Pokémon TV for Android, simply follow the Play link below.

Get it on Google Play