Verizon Note 4 Finally Getting Lollipop Update Today! | #Android
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Verizon Note 4 Finally Getting Lollipop Update Today!

| On 02, Apr 2015

Verizon Note 4 Finally Getting Lollipop Update Today!

We all know that Verizon isn’t the best when it comes to updating its phones (besides Moto devices) but the length of time that the Galaxy Note 4 has gone without receiving the Android 5.0 update is almost hilarious (probably not so much to Note 4 owners). However, Verizon has finally blessed the workhorse phablet with the software needed to push the hardware over the edge — pun?

Big Red has begun rolling out the Android 5.0 update to the Note 4 — in system update build number: N910VVRU1BOAF. Note 4 owners will now receive all the goodies that come with Lollipop slapped over Samsung’s very own Touchwiz skin. A few of those “goodies” include: new notification management (in shade and lockscreen), security and feature enhancements, and Verizon’s VoLTE dubbed “Advanced Calling” support.

The update has just started rolling out, so even if you go into your settings and request an update you may not have it just yet. If you don’t see it right away, just keep checking as the OTA should continue being pushed out over the next few days/weeks.

How’s this new version of Android treating you Note owners?

Better late than never, right?