Here’s Where and When you can buy an LG G4 | #Android
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Here’s Where and When you can buy an LG G4

| On 22, May 2015

Here’s Where and When you can buy an LG G4

We’re at the point in the release cycle of LG’s newest flagship, the G4, where we know pretty much all we’ll know about it without getting our hands on one. Which pops the questions: “When will it be available?” and “What will I have to pay?”. Over the next few weeks we will be keeping an eye on carriers and other retailers for news about release dates and pricing info, and will relay it here for you guys.

We do know that the G4 will come to the top 4 carriers so we’ll list them first. If any other specific/important retailer or carrier announces availability, we’ll do our best to add their info.



Availability:  June 4th (Based on Best Buy and Verizon Twitter)



  • Edge: $23.25 /mo

  • 2-Year: $199.99

  • Unactivated:



Availability: June 12th (Based on Best Buy)



  • Next 12: $33.50/mo

  • Next 24: $27.92/mp

  • Next 30: $22.34/mo

  • Next 12 w/Down Payment:

  • 2-Year:

  • Unactivated:



Availability: June 5th | Preorders – now



  • Easy Pay 24mo: $25/mo

  • Lease 24mo: $18/mo

  • 2-Year: $199.99

  • Unactivated: $599.99



Availability: May 27th Online | June 3rd in-store



  • Monthly: $24.99
  • Unactivated: $600
Bonus: T-Mobile is also giving a free 128GB microSD


US. Cellular

Availability: Pre-order May 29th | June 4th



  • Monthly: $29.50 (Plastic back) | 30.50 (Leather back)
  • 2-year: $199.99


Bonus: If bought before June 21st, customers can receive an extra battery, charging cradle, and 32GB microSD card through mail-in. Through

Best Buy will also be selling the LG G4 at the same dates as referenced above, but if you preorder before hand, you can receive a $100 Best Buy gift card.


Be sure to bookmark this page (if it isn’t hosted on the homepage) so that you can continue to know what’s going on regarding availability and pricing. C’mon now T-mo…