comScore: Market Share Continues to Increase for Both Android and Samsung | #Android
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comScore: Market Share Continues to Increase for Both Android and Samsung

| On 06, Feb 2013

comScore: Market Share Continues to Increase for Both Android and Samsung

It’s time to go over some comScore numbers and they all look good for Android and Samsung. In the 3 month period ending December 2012, Android managed to gain an addition 0.9 percentage points from the previous period. With an overall U.S. market share of 53.4%, Android continued to dominate the competition.

Apple remained in second with 36.3% market share and remained the only other OS to gain any percentage points since the previous period. BlackBerry was a distant third while Microsoft’s Windows Phone barely scratched the surface.

When it comes to top smartphone OEMs, Apple was the clear winner with 36.3% (oddly the same share as their OS). Samsung was a close second with 21% and almost doubled its closest Android competitor HTC, who had just 10.2% of the pie.

Despite Apple holding its own, 2012 was certainly the year of Samsung and Android. I don’t see much changing in 2013 and fully expect Android to remain on top. As for OEMs, unless HTC, Motorola, Sony, etc. get their act together, Samsung will continue to dominate, leaving the rest to continue their downward spiral.

Source: comScore