Android Releases Official Changelog for Android 4.2, Jelly Bean | #Android
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Android Releases Official Changelog for Android 4.2, Jelly Bean

| On 20, Feb 2013

Android Releases Official Changelog for Android 4.2, Jelly Bean

While Google gladly gave us Android 4.2, they failed to provide any official full length changelog. While the Android collective was able to decipher the majority of improvements and features, many wondered what else we could be missing? Well, wonder no more, as Google has released the official changelog for Android 4.2, detailing everything and anything under the Jelly Bean sun.

It wouldn’t make much sense for me to copy and paste the ridiculously long list of Android 4.2 details and therefore I will simply guide you to the source.

Find your favorite comfy chair/couch, kick off your shoes, and hit the source link below.

Source: Android