Imago, The New Way to Look at Imgur | #Android
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#Android | February 16, 2025

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Imago, The New Way to Look at Imgur

| On 20, Feb 2015

Imago, The New Way to Look at Imgur

There are several way to look at social networks on Android, each network may have its own first-party apps with many more third-party ones trailing behind it. Imgur is one such network, a network that focuses on users uploading pictures, that are then used for easy viewing and sharing. The downfall to the network is its app selection on Android is pretty poor. Right Meow Apps is here to change that.

That’s where imago comes in. Created from the brains of Anthony Kiniyalocts with the designing help from Ted Bates Jr. (this team is known for their other apps Behang and Cast for Muzei). imago is a new app that allows you to be a part of the Imgur community in a more pleasing, materialistic way than what the current crop of Imgur apps allows you to do.

Once entering the app you are presented with a scrolling grid of pictures that have been uploaded to Imgur. At the top there are different column categories that you can select: “Hot,” “Top,” “User-Sub,” and “Random.” Above that you can tell what section of the app you’re in at the top left corner or click the icons in the top right corner to either search, sort, or upload pictures of your own.

In the slide-out navigation drawer, you’ll find different sections that allow you to sign in or see your notifications, favorites, uploads, and change your settings. The settings menu is pretty scarce — only really letting you change the refresh rate and clear cache — but with a network as simple as Imgur, there’s not really many settings to add.

imago is a smooth blend of updated aesthetics and great performance to a community that some may not see its immediately value in, but for those of us that use Imgur often (Reddit lurkers anyone?) Imago is one of the better ways to go. You can download the free app from the widget below and start lurking for some great pics.

Get it on Google Play