Xposed for Lollipop is now Available! | #Android
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Xposed for Lollipop is now Available!

| On 13, Feb 2015

Xposed for Lollipop is now Available!

Right after Google I/O 2014, Xposed creator, Rovo89, stated a couple things to the community: First, Xposed didn’t work on Android 5.0 due to its ART framework. Second, he would begin working on a new version until a stable version of Lollipop was available to the public (since Google changes things on the backend almost everyday). After making those statements, he pretty much left the community in the dark. That is until now.

Rovo89 has released his first implementation of Xposed for Android and you can get it via XDA. By first implementation, I’m talking alpha, very… alpha. Rovo89 states that Xposed doesn’t yet have material design implemented and he also warns that it may cause errors, bootloops, and for now will only work on devices that have ARMv7 — which you can find out by looking in your Build.prop or by following the instructions HERE.

Directions for install are dead simple if you still want to take the alpha version for a spin:

  • Flash the .zip
  • Install the .apk
  • Enjoy the tweaks!

He also released the Xposed API for any devs that want to get started working on modules for Xposed.

For those of you who have Android 5.0, have you been waiting for Xposed to come out or have you resorted to trying out a ROM? I’m betting some of you haven’t even updated your device yet because Xposed wasn’t available. Am I right?

Check out the source link below to get started flashing — I know I have!

Source: XDA